Angel Care
Touching Our World Foundation introduces…
In the spirit of Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”, Project Angel Care is a program assisting those with immediate and essential needs by collecting resources and funding for gift cards through an amazing network of “angels”.
A Touching Our World ”Angel” will ask others to contribute as a group to collect donations for those who desperately need help due to tragic events or difficult life circumstances. An office, club, family, class or organization can easily express their spirit of service to others through this community project. Details about individuals and families currently identified can be received by contacting TOW. Nominations for recipients with urgent requirements are also welcomed.
“Angels” provide donors a copy of this tax-deductible receipt with the amount of the donation written in with their initials and send the donation to TOW. All checks will receive a personal tax receipt and letter from TOW with information about how their generosity has made a difference in the lives of others.
“Angels” are encouraged to express their compassion by participating in more direct volunteer activities with our families and be of service to our community.